
Showing posts from August, 2009

Ms Gloom

I've never quite understood the English (I loved one once but I won't speak of it) and I can't remember what I am here for, in this island; the comfort of Knowing would help, I think, with the difficulty of Being or perhaps this is all a lie: perhaps wherever I'll be there'll always be this fucking melancholy? Yes. There are days like that -out of love, out of reach- when nothing appears right, nothing but the day that will come next, perhaps.
Good fun at the MAO last Thursday, lots of music with Bruno singing (I didn't know he sung as well as improvising on the cello... and making violins...!) and Felicity Ford taking pictures of whoever was courageous (drunk?) enough to be a volonteer...and (ceci explique cela...) the cider was wonderful! My picture taken by Felicity Ford.