a musing on Oxford, Paris, other places such as Wantage, with photos and music sometimes
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I don't know about you, but I, I find it very difficult to remember many Russian words because they are so foreign to me (well apart from the English, French and German words in there!) so flash cards can help, or so I hope.
very very strange thing, the death of one's colleague, and at their disappearance we only then realise their greatness and kindness somehow... Gudrun was a colleague of mine and I chatted with her on Monday (or some time last week I am not sure) about her holidays, the great time she had driving in the States visiting so many places there, and me telling her about one mistake I had made (forgot to order one of the textbooks for German) and her being so kind about this, almost humourous, me commenting about how neat and nice her working space was... then I believe it was the day after, I saw her in the restaurant while I was having lunch with other colleagues, and then that was it, next time I heard something about her, she was dead. And we went to lunch at the same restaurant, and I sat, without noticing I have to say, at the place where she was sitting when I had last saw her. Very very strange indeed, the accidental death of once's colleague, too young to die really. And I ha...
Paris en los años 80 Mi corazón era como una nueva canción Como un tango nunca bailado Amigos y yo todos los tiempos bailábamos como la música estúpida de América que no comprendíamos pero bailábamos y la nueva vida socialista era bella nosotros íbamos a colegios ricos donde los chicos estaban asustados no hablaban, no jugaban como nosotros pero bailábamos en mi barrio con amigos y después la universidad y bailábamos bailábamos todavía el muerte y el amor bailaban la última danza se llamaba sida y bailaban bailaban bailaban El agua corría en el Sena siempre Y ahora también corre, Y yo, A veces bailo, a veces cantando Mis canciones mil tiempo cantando mis tangos mil tiempo bailado pero soy. 80 in Francia François Mitterrand Presidente La musica de Madonna, Police, Michel Jackson Sida epidemia
Sometimes you hear about a book and you want to read it and it's pretty much like a date, and you really have a crush on them, looking forward everything they will reveal to you, their charm, their wit, their beauty, their kindness, and you may be disappointed once you're there, it turns out you have been imagining things in advance, projecting too much, forgetting reality. And your date is tired, or upset, or distracted by the ex who's suddently appeared in the restaurant next to us or whatever. You date is alive but not necessarily well. But books are not like that, or at least books by authors you like, there will always be some bits you like: the appreciation of one's style, a certain turn of phrase here and there that deviates from it because the author was too young, too old, pissed off that day and so many other things like their ex sitting near them in the cafe where they're working who knows?, but you're rarely disappointed - or I sincerely hope so. I...
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