another day in paradise

I'm having lunch in the heart of Silicon valley at Mountain View in a Greek coffee though we could really call it geek coffee,  quite a few guys with their apple laptops. Very rich place here,  similar to Palo Alto where I was before in order to go to Stanford university.
Had a beginning of a nice conversation with a war veteran on wheel chair but he had to rush to get his bus. Too bad.
Had a mini conversation with one of my room mates yesterday who's deaf but she lip reads well and I think understood all I said. I'm glad I read this blog from a deaf guy from England who said he didn't like it when people where speaking louder! I also used my hands a lot,  invented my own sign language.  Anyway she's German and her sign language must be different. Deaf people should have their own Esperanto perhaps.
Ok will go back now,  my face is burning but some fresh water should do me good. Will try to go for a swim now :-)
Operation going for a swim completely failed,  instead walked walked walked,  got a little lost,  arrived at the at&t stadium as well as I don't know how many fans, nice to see black,  whites and spaniards together,  rich and poor. That's really something I find tough here: one block and it's posh house wifes being picked up by their chauffeurs outside Jimmy Shu, and the next block it's tramps, a smell of urine and marijuana and needles on the pavement.


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