San Francisco!

Yeah yeah yeah... the original idea to go to San Francisco was a crap one... I got dumped at 3 pm on a working day last year yeah yeah and decided to go to the city where my ex now lives, send an email to ask if she'd like to go for a coffee,  maybe. Crap idea though,  because after buying my non refundable ticket I saw her again.  Did she see me did she not,  not sure but there was no answer to the email I sent.
But here I am now and the city is so big it is very unlikely we will meet.  And if we were too well I hope I'll be strong enough to give her an oxford cut (ignore her).
Lots of things planned: visits to libraries, meeting people including those only met through Flickr! Going through streets I'm speaking about in my book and I hope and I hope lots of writing!


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