Reading philosophy, again

Perhaps it is the influence of the baccalaureat that has just started in my country, and perhaps some of you know that the first of all examinations is the philosophy test... I have to say I didn't do much work then... was in the back of the class while all the other members of my gender where in front, salivating. It is a cliche, yet a bit true, that all girls in France are falling in love with their philosophy teacher... well,... didn't happened to me...

Or perhaps it is just getting lost in Blackwell's last week, and indulging on their 3 for 2 campaign and buying a book called Philosophy Bites Back

Well, in any case, whatever... I have started, courageously, to read this book, and started with the first chapter, on Socrates. So here I am now on reading "le banquet" (Symposium). So far so good, these bunch of guys are going to a diner, and as they have drunk a bit too much the night before, they might not drink that much on the night... one guy can't speak because he has hiccup and....

and suddenly I think, this is so closed to us, yet quite far away, in Ancient Greece, so that's at least 25 centuries ago (sorry I'm crap in math so that's perhaps less that's perhaps more) and yet it appears so modern (well especially the story of them having drunk too much the night before...).

Each man has to make a discourse about love... and what really surprises me also, is their love of men...(and almost absence of love for women) and no, it doesn't look too platonic either (which is fine by the way)...

haven't finished, will keep you posted.

Wanted to know what it would look like in the original, so here you are


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