a bit intrigued by this letter

The letter ѣ which seems to have disappeared from the Russian alphabet in 1917... but continued to live outside Russia. Reading now (or at least trying to read!) Nöel Russe by Ivan Chmeliov and this is how it starts:
"Ты хочешь, милый мальчикъ, чтобы я разсказал тебѣ про наше Рождество"

Ce qui me donne l'idée d'un étrange poème (not sure if it will make sense but let's try!)

исповедь бѣлой русский женщины: 
у меня есть тоска по родине 
потому что не могу говорить
что я имею тоску по родине 

but probably it does not make sense, probably, to be homesick (in the meaning to be longing for one's country) is not the same as in French: "j'ai le mal du pays" which means more or less: "I have the sickness (nostalgia here) of the countr".

Comments please...

я имею means also to f.... ce n'est pas du tout ce que je voulais dire!


  1. I feel... Я чувствую тоску по родине
    As for letter it was a tough one even for school children of that time.


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